As the digital era evolves, cybersecurity becomes more and more important. Unfortunately, many businesses lack data protection measures, and cybercriminals exploit those vulnerabilities as much as they can. The cyberattacks come in many different forms, such as malware, ransomware, phishing scams, and plenty more. In most cyberattacks, the attackers steal sensitive information, disrupt critical infrastructure, or even hold entire networks and businesses hostage.
The cybersecurity measures protect individuals, organizations, and governments from sophisticated cyberattacks. Today, everyone must be vigilant in protecting themselves against cyber criminals. According to security research studies, the majority of the companies have poor cybersecurity practice in place. If you top that with the remote working that become a primary option during the COVID-19 pandemic, then it is obvious how the inroads for cyberattacks become wide open.
Cybersecurity: Hacking statistics

To successfully fight against cyberattacks, companies simply must increase cybersecurity awareness, improve prevention and implement sophisticated cybersecurity practices.
Only by implementing strong cybersecurity measures, organizations and individuals can protect themselves from these attacks and help ensure the safety and integrity of their information and systems.
To help you understand how important cybersecurity is and how cyber vulnerability can ruin your business in a matter of seconds, we have compiled a list of an alarming statistic for 2022.
- According to the World Economic Forum, 95 percent of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error.
- The Fortune Business Insights states that the worldwide information security market is forecast to reach $366.1 billion in 2028.
- Microsoft reveals that the U.S. was the target of 46 percent of cyberattacks in 2020, more than double any other country.
- On average, only five percent of companies’ folders are properly protected, says Varonis.
- Cisco shares that cyber fatigue, or apathy to proactively defending against cyberattacks, affects as much as 42 percent of companies.
- According to Verizon, approximately 70 percent of breaches in 2021 were financially motivated, while less than five percent were motivated by espionage.
- In 2021, nearly 40 percent of breaches featured phishing, around 11 percent involved malware, and about 22 percent involved hacking.
- The top malicious email attachment types are .doc and .dot which make up 37 percent; the next highest is .exe at 19.5 percent.
Cybersecurity in the future: What to expect?

- The number of cybercrime victims will increase as the number of internet users increases.
- Cyber fatigue will continue to grip the companies whose IT teams completely omit the cyber defense.
- Cryptocurrencies will remain subject to heftier regulation as their adoption grows.
- Social media organizations will work to more strictly oversee the sharing of information.
- Remote workers will still be one of the mail targets for cybercriminals, which will inevitably lead to increased cloud breaches.
If you want to make sure that you are protected enough from the cyber criminal, we can perform a technical audit of your website to check if your digital presence is protected.